Friday, April 10, 2020

Reading a Schumann Resonance Chart

"The Schumann Resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. … In the normal mode descriptions of Schumann resonances, the fundamental mode is a standing wave in the Earth-ionosphere cavity with a wavelength equal to the circumference of the Earth.” (Wikipedia)
How to read the chart (“spectrogram”):

DATES: Look at the top of the chart. You’ll see that the chart divides into three-day sequences, with the dates printed across the top horizontal of the chart. Dates move left to right, most recent on the right.

TIMES: Next, look at the the bottom of the chart. You’ll see the times, which present in a 0-24 hour sequence, one block of 24 hours for each corresponding date above. This chart is based on Tomsk, Russia, time UTC +7 (UTC = Universal Time Coordinated). You’ll need to convert the chart times to your local time by subtracting the number of hours indicated below. In the US, the equivalents are:
Eastern (subtract 11 hours) / Pacific (subtract 14 hours)
SR VALUES: Now look at the left vertical side of the chart. These numbers represent the framework for reading the Schumann Resonance peak values — lowest at top progressing to the highest at bottom, in increments of 4 Hz. SR frequencies are relatively stable and do not change. Also, there is not just one SR frequency, but an array of peak frequencies. The SR values cover a range from 3 Hz to 60 Hz, with set values at intervals roughly 6.5 Hz apart, except for the lowest value, 4.11. Because different authorities post slightly different values for the SR peaks, here are the rounded off SR peak values pretty much agreed upon universally: 4, 7.83 (fundamental SR), 14, 20, 26, 33, 39, 45, 59. All measured in Hz or cycles per second.

The SR frequencies are read ACROSS or HORIZONTALLY, usually in the green intensity shade. You can easily track a specific frequency through the 3-day cycle. You’ll see that the green lines typically indicate at the 7.83, 14, 20, and 26 Hz frequencies. Other frequencies you’ll see, less frequently, are the lowest, 4 Hz, and the 33 Hz and higher.

SR AND HUMAN BRAINWAVES: Here’s the cool part: These Schumann Resonance ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) waves in the Earth’s magnetic field just happen to OVERLAP with the electrical patterns (“brain waves”) observed across the cortex of the human brain. Studies have shown that SR frequencies have particular effects on the human brain and nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the autonomous nervous system, circadian rhythms, immune function, DNA, and more. The fundamental Schuman Resonance, 7.83 Hz, corresponds to the high theta of the human brainwave range.
Human brainwaves and SR correspondences:
Delta:  0 Hz to 4 Hz corresponds with SR 4.11 Hz
Theta:  4 Hz to 8 Hz corresponds with SR 4.11 Hz, SR 7.83 Hz
Alpha:  8 Hz to 12 Hz corresponds with SR 7.83 Hz
Beta:  12 Hz to 30 Hz* corresponds with SR 14 Hz, 20 Hz, 26 Hz
Gamma:  30 Hz to 100 Hz corresponds with SR 33 Hz, 39 Hz, 45 Hz, 59 Hz
*There are differing opinions among authorities as to the demarcation between upper limit of beta and onset of gamma brainwaves. Some cite 25 Hz, others 40 Hz. Most seem to cite 30 Hz. Just know that upper value is a bit fluid.
COLOR CODE: Intensity readings go from lowest blue (background intensity) to green to yellow to white (highest). Typical SR readings are in green range.

IMPORTANT: The SR is read HORIZONTALLY, so you’ll be looking at the green horizontal lines. (Do not consider the VERTICAL white lines or white ‘splashes’ as SR readings.)

VERTICAL WHITE LINES/SPLASHES: So, what ARE those vertical WHITE lines or wider splashes? In general, they represent energy bursts or ionospheric plasma excitations. For the most part, the electromagnetic (EM) bursts are probably lightning-related or TLE-related. While lightning is THE major driver of the SR, electromagnetic bursts have often been found to be sprites, a type of lightning phenomena that occurs high in the atmosphere:

It is now believed that many of the Schumann resonances transients (Q bursts) are related to the transient luminous events (TLEs). In 1995 Boccippio et al. showed that sprites, the most common TLE, are produced by positive cloud-to-ground lightning occurring in the stratiform region of a thunderstorm system, and are accompanied by Q-burst in the Schumann resonances band.” (Wikipedia)

Transient luminous events (TLEs) are upper atmosphere electrical discharges such as sprites, ELVES, and jets.

In addition to intense lightning and TLEs, plasma excitations could also be caused by:
intense thunderstorming
solar activity (e.g. solar winds, CMEs, solar flares)
geomagnetic disturbances (resulting from solar activity)
some speculate HAARP and scalar weapons discharges may affect the SR
energy bursts of unknown origin

EFFECT OF ENERGY BURSTS ON SR READINGS: When ionospheric plasma gets excited, the SR waves at various resonances can get excited, as well. You’ll often see a wider, “puffier” green color displayed behind, around, or following an energy burst. You may see the “excitation” activate the higher SR values that correspond with the brain’s higher beta and gamma frequencies. I often call these the “transformation waves.” Energy bursts can also trigger the low 4.11 Hz SR and the fundamental 7.83 Hz that correspond to our theta brainwave. This wave is incredibly transforming, as well. It’s been called the “miracle wave” for its deep healing, calming, and rebalancing qualities; theta accesses the subconscious mind.

When these energy bursts first started happening back in 2014, the human monitors at the Space Observing System at Tomsk Science University thought an equipment malfunction had caused the anomaly. But upon checking, they realized that equipment was fine and had, indeed, recorded SR values in a higher range not seen before. But as to the origin of the spikes, they had no answers.

A SPECULATIVE OBSERVATION: When these plasma spikes occur, perhaps humans are receiving a double impact: not only are the SR frequencies resonating with our brain waves (theta, alpha, beta, and gamma) but we are also feeling the effects of the ionospheric energy bursts themselves. For those who are energy-sensitive, these plasmic excitations or energy disturbances may be felt or sensed — much like a sensitive can “feel” geomagnetic storming, distant earthquakes and volcanoes, the magnetic pull of a full moon, or incoming  photonic or cosmic energies.

Back to the Schumann Resonance:
Every second, a multitude of pulses travel around the world in this unique, resonant chamber between Earth and the ionosphere, sending colluding signals to all microorganisms. These signals couple us to the Earth’s magnetic field. Named after their discoverer, these Schumann Resonances (SR) drive the harmonizing pulse for life in our world.” – Eric Thompson
Mother Earth is taking care of her kids.
Adapted from the LightBodyReconnect blog on Wordpress

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