Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Force of Humanity Awakens

The Star Wars series is a good metaphor for life. While its theme of the ongoing conflict between the forces of darkness and the forces of light is one we readily recognize in our own world, it is something we would find everywhere in all worlds in the universe should our experience extend that far. Light cannot exist without darkness, nor good without its challenging counterpart in a universe of duality.

We face an enormous struggle on the planet at this moment, unlike at any other time in our memory. Most people do not acknowledge or understand the real battle, however. The viral contagion that is receiving so much attention is merely a passing catalyst that has sparked the ultimate battle between two mighty opposing forces vying for control of our planet. The forces of light among us are standing up to do battle with the forces of darkness that have maintained control and advantage for as long as our memory extends. For the time being, the sword of light is cutting through the chains of our perennial bondage, but the “invisible enemy” is strong, heartless, and clever, so the outcome is anything but predetermined. Nonetheless, there is much reason for hope.

The predatory enemy of the forces of light has largely operated in the darkness, out of sight of most of humanity for much of history. Only a small percentage of the people on the planet have ever been aware of the extent of its presence and degree of its control. That is why it seems so conspiratorial to even suggest that there may be such a conflict occurring on such an unprecedented scale while the mass of humanity remains focused on its usual distractions of day-to-day living.

The “invisible enemy” that goes by many names has been forcefully claiming greater amounts of energy and control within our lifetimes, attempting to overpower humanity with its power grab. The forces of light have finally mustered enough strength to stand up in the first serious challenge in modern history to the dark side's control and malevolent ambition to expand and consume the entire planet

Dark forces have infiltrated and corrupted the justice system of our democracy, which was originally formed with the intention of protecting the rights of the people. Instead of democracy we have moved to a state of corporatocracy where we live under a burgeoning umbrella of unaccountable power, greed, and regulation. By the same token, the dark forces have also been working diligently to infiltrate, pervert, and corrupt our spirituality with the same agenda of control and replacement. At a very dark level unseen to most, these forces are harvesting energy from all of the souls of the earth in order to preserve and advance their own existence. All of humanity are its prisoners, essentially, and serve as the energetic food upon which the dark side sustains itself, literally. Their goal is to destroy the spiritual nature and divine awareness that all people are born with.  It is a disagreeable block that has been with humanity through the ages, yet most of the world turns a blind eye to its misdeeds or cowers in denial.  It is grievously tragic that these dark elements have been realizing such devastating success for millennia.

Those who have been paying attention, however - those who have been reading alternative media, watching what is going on behind the scenes - will not be surprised when evidence surfaces that the predatory members of this dark cabal and their chosen few are some of the richest, most powerful, most politically-connected, most influential beings on the planet, and that they engage in the darkest of evil activities - things like ritual sacrifice and sexual perversion, very often preying upon the youngest and the most vulnerable and innocent among us. Groups of children, toddlers, and babies by the tens of thousands are being used in the most perverse ways, causing them horrendous emotional distress before these young ones, these innocent ones, are ritually sacrificed to harvest and consume their blood for a particular charged extract known as adenochrome that is believed to be a youth elixir.
Those who live this kind of a dark life are dark within. Their connection to the divine is severed, so their bodies struggle and wither. The drinking of adenochrome is believed by practitioners to counter this effect, apparently having a vivifying effect, making them feel and look younger, and perhaps even extend their longevity. They show less wrinkles, have more energy, and the adrenochrome is said to give them a kind of drug-like high. 

This has been going on for a very, very long time. As this dark cabal has been expanding its grasp upon the planet, the puppet masters have needed more and more followers, more and more members to support their effort, so more and more darkness has been surfacing and coming into view.

As the shadow across the world grows, the force of humanity has been awakening, however. Shared information on the internet has allowed humanity to gain access to information that challenges the dark agenda protected by the mainstream media. Since the September 11 event, people are increasingly noticing how we are losing our privacy and freedoms under the weight of a growing global surveillance. More and more of us are rejecting control by the dark side and being told what to say, what not to say, and how to measure our responses to situations and people. 
We have been increasingly losing our ability to be free to manage and select our own life choices, even before the current crisis. We must now wear masks to go out into public. We have to stand in long lines and give everyone a wide berth in our movements. We may be fined or jailed if we violate arbitrary new rules by opening non-essential businesses or by moving in ways that are deemed non-essential. Our Constitutional rights are being usurped.  The world has become Orwellian overnight. Acquiescence to authority is quickly supplanting our freedoms. For what? For a contagion that is not much worse than the flu; for something that could well have been managed and contained without a shutdown and quarantine? We have had enough already.  It is becoming increasingly clear that what we are experiencing is nothing less than an outright agressive coup on the part of dark players lustfully reaching for more control.

The character Don Juan Matus in Carlos Castaneda's series of stories about his dealing with the Yaqui sorcerer hits the nail on the head in explaining what humankind has always faced from time immemorial: “I want to appeal to your analytical mind. Think for a moment, and tell me how you would explain the contradiction between the intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of his systems of beliefs, or the stupidity of his contradictory behavior. ... the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed, and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary, and egomaniacal. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators’ mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now.”

Much of the human race has turned into a bunch of horrifying zombies on an egotistical path of destructive consumption. Senseless murders, violence, and even genocide have been humanity's legacy on this planet. The suffering that is placed upon all of creation by this dark predatory enemy is unfathomable and must cease. Refugees attempting to flee the violence have nowhere to run. There will come a time when we all need to or want to flee and there isn’t going to be anywhere safe to flee. Humanity is under constant attack; we are at a critical time in human history when we must collectively awaken!

The dark predator in our world has always existed, but since population levels on planet Earth have grown to be so great, the impact is far more noticeable than we've ever experienced. The paradigm we live under is a fear-based, hate-filled, angry, greedy, consumer-driven, egocentric, self-absorbed, and power-hungry state of being. Its main goal is to undermine our decision making authority and fill us with a sense of dread, worthlessness, and hopelessness. Instead of recognizing it for what it is and rising above it, humanity has perpetuated its existence in denial and as unwitting accomplices, now watches in either horror or ignorance as it continues to grow in its power and control.

So what do we do? Pay attention. Begin to question what you see and hear.  Is it propaganda or truth?  Is it entertainment or indoctrination and nihilistic distraction? Align with the power of the Universe. Don’t allow the dark forces to instill their energies of confusion and hopelessness into you; if you do, they will feed off of you and drain you. Remain aligned with good purpose. Enter into silence from time to time in order to reestablish your connection to Source and remember who you are. Our connection to the natural world and pure Source energy is vital.

We must begin by changing our attitudes and self-perception to stand against those who dare to publicly display the face of darkness with their demand for increased power and control – pay attention and question all politicians, religious leaders, actors, educators, and journalists. Practice random kindness and senseless acts of generosity. Begin to remember that we are all an expression of the same One Source, the singular energy that exists everywhere that is responsible for our being here. We need to attempt to collectively and energetically overpower the dark predator with our collective hope - to exist in a state of hopefulness that a mass awakening is emerging to bring us back into a state of balance.

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