Wednesday, April 8, 2020

The Demise of Globalism

There is a silver lining to every dark cloud. If we have gained anything from the coronavirus outbreak and quarantine it is the imminent demise of globalism. Globalism, as a concept, is being destroyed across the globe by the coronavirus. Globalism, in and of itself, is not a bad thing. It's really not a bad idea that people stop seeing themselves as separated by things like artificial borders, the country they belong to, ethnicity, religion, skin color, culture, or other socio-economic circumstances. It would really be a good idea for all of us to see ourselves as members of one unified humanity, sharing one planet together. From that perspective, globalism is a beautiful thing, a perfect uptopian ideal. One world, one humanity.

But globalism, as it has been implemented on planet earth, as it continues to be pushed for, is driven as a political agenda by an elite few that we refer to as the dark cabal or the Illuminati. The bloodline families that are running the planet behind the scenes have been powerfully pushing for globalization because it is the linchpin in their plan for world domination. You cannot dominate a planet that's fragmented by borders - where you have to persuade local governments to do things.

The European Union was a very interesting exercise in globalism. It began as an effort to convince the people of many nations that it was in their best interests for them to open their markets and borders to each other. It started really as just a European common market. And then it slowly expanded from being just a common market to more and more common laws being made, not by elected officials, but by bureaucrats who believed they were wiser than the people of each nation in the union. Thanks to Brexit and other changes, the European Union plan is falling apart. Europe was the template or model that was to be used across all nations to make one world. Conceptually, it sounds good, until you learn that it is administered by unelected officials who are nothing more than bureaucrats that get their marching orders from the dark cabal.

With the coronavirus, it becomes immediately apparent that it's not a good idea to have, for example, all of America's manufacturing in China. If we import all of our surgical masks from China, and China stops exporting its masks, we quickly learned that we're in trouble. Just extend that idea to everything else. It's really not a good idea to have such substantial power in the hands of a foreign nation, if you're trying to look after your own people, trying to look after your own nation. So, for an unrelated reason, globalism is dying and that's a good thing. Even better, as nations awaken to the need for their own sovereignty, the agenda of the cabal is being taken down.

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