Monday, March 23, 2020

Alliance Protection Symbol

There are advanced, positive extraterrestrials who have offered guidance for a long time in support of our human evolution on Earth, injecting timely spiritual energy through universal pictographic symbols for our benefit and active use. These symbols are, in effect, personal energy portals from higher dimensions. Crop circles have been one expression that most of us are familiar with through which these ET's have chosen to communicate and support Earth's well being.

This is the Alliance Protection Symbol. What is the Alliance? Who is it that offers us this symbol and pours protective energy through it? Its full name is "The Alliance for Good and the New Light" and it includes every being in the galaxy that has a positive light signature and everyone who is not actively evil. The organization is sometimes referred to as "The Interplanetary Congress of Light" or, in human spiritual texts, as "The Order of Melchizedek". It is composed of benevolent physical and non-physical beings who follow the law of free will as they watch over us with great interest and compassion.

To use this symbol, save this pictograph and print it to the size you wish. In the center is an empty circle. The idea is that you put a small photograph of the person you wish to help in this circle. It is best if the photograph is taken by the person him- or herself. Or they can write their name in the circle, or write their name on the back of the photograph. Once that is done, protective healing is sent to the person concerned. Always be sure not to use the Alliance Protection Symbol without first getting the permission of the person you wish to help.

The Alliance is not just benign extraterrestrials operating from the higher dimensions who pour spiritual energy through symbols for the support and active use of humans. Advanced human beings and spiritual masters who work actively with ETs on a daily basis, do exactly the same.

Two examples of such spiritual masters are Maitreya and Sananda. Maitreya is referred to as Christ in the establishment mythology of Western Churchianity. Sananda is known as Jesus. Despite church disinformation to the contrary, Christ and Jesus are two different individuals. But they have been working together for many millennia, and in many different spiritual cultures, on positive human projects that deal with enlightenment, sharing, peace, justice, freedom, and healing.

Enlightened spirits in the East know Maitreya as Krishna or the Maitreya Buddha. And in Judaism, Maitreya is thought of as the Messiah. In the Nag Hammadi and the Dead Sea Scrolls the "Teacher of Righteousness" is Maitreya (Christ), and the "Pierced Messiah" is Sananda (Jesus)

Like the benevolent ETs with whom they work, both Christ and Jesus have manifested symbols like the one above and communications for human benefit in all periods of history. In the modern world, a long-enduring intergalactic battle between forces of good and evil is at a fever pitch at this moment in our time, with the forces of the Alliance poised within the next decade to prevail over the forces of evil on this planet as represented by the Cabal as proxies of negative off-world elements. Believe it or not, the Alliance is very much aligned with and behind the success of the powers that now steer the course of the United States and the world.

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