Friday, March 13, 2020

Coronavirus is a Wake Up Call

Whether the origin of the coronavirus is a naturally-occurring mutated pathogen, which we see occurring from time to time, or is actually a targeted bio-weapon aimed at disrupting social, financial, and economic balance throughout the world is not clearly known, however, what is clear is that there have been certain people who have been using the outbreak of this virus as an excuse to provoke a global panic right from the beginning. Mortality rates are really not that high so far – certainly not high enough to start a panic - nothing like many previous catastrophic outbreaks. While the World Health Organization just questionably declared it to be a global pandemic, and while we may see some concerning pockets of proliferation in the near-term, the outbreak may not last beyond the warm weather of spring. China is already rapidly returning to normalcy.

What the coronavirus has done is that it has exposed what the influence of neo-liberal economics is doing to potentially threaten the entire human race. Once you have a globalization policy where nations no longer have food or medical security, you end up seeing long lines for food, medical goods, and other industrial products. When you have something disruptive like this virus come along that shuts down production and manufacturing, it breaks supply lines and you end up having a very real threat to lives on a large scale.

The coronavirus outbreak, if nothing else, should serve as a warning to all of us that the combined effects of globalist policies against health and sanitation, among many other things, combined with the International Monetary Fund's austerity policies is a dangerous approach to managing the well being of the global community. Suppose the coronavirus spreads to east Africa where 30 million people are now enduring a serious food crisis because of a locust plague. The result there could be an unrecoverable mass genocide.

The attempt to create a worldwide panic has more to do with the desire to manipulate markets and control populations than it has to do with controlling the spread of disease. We need to be looking at how it is possible that an event like this can escalate into such a perceived worldwide crises so quickly – when the vector of this disease holds little threat more than that of the common cold - and understand that the reason this kind of danger exists is because of the complete failure of the neo-liberal globalist economic paradigm that has gained ground in the past several decades against the free market economic model.

The net effect of this coronavirus is that it is destroying the globalist model. It is a real game-changer. People, companies, and countries are beginning to wake up and realize that this whole centralized type of system sets us all up to get into major trouble and ultimately leads to failure on an unprecedented scale. People and companies are beginning to realize that maybe diversification is a good thing and that we should never put all of our eggs in one basket, especially as America has done with China. It's a huge wake up call for many to see in real time exactly where the globalist system leads.

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