Saturday, March 28, 2020


There are times in life when everything just clicks, when you seem to be in the right place at the time time, experiencing exactly what you need at that moment. Some call it luck. Or coincidence. But there is no such thing. Synchronous events occur within a natural sacred flow of energy that represents the foundational structure of all existence. It may appear that it is completely serendipitous that two or more unrelated events dovetail in any sort of synchronicity, but it is the natural way of things, and curious only because we fail to make the connections.

Everything happens on purpose. There are no accidents. We live within a unified field that responds to our energy output at every moment, giving us back clues and messages all along the way. Are we paying attention?

If everything is ONE, then everything must be synchronous. The idea is only amazing because we cannot explain it. The flow of synchronicity is outside of time. It works mysteriously within a realm of multidimensionality. It cannot be rationalized. To understand synchronicity, one must understand that everything that occurs does so all at once, simultaneously. There is no time. There is no space. Quantum mechanics has demonstrated this. The failure lies in our inability to wrap our heads around it, given our limited perspective and cultural conditioning.

No matter where we find ourselves to be or what we are doing, we are exactly where we need to be, doing exactly what we need to be doing, with exactly the right people. When we appreciate this we become in tune with the universe, or in quantum terms, we resonate with the unified field.

Our souls are continually creating new experiences for us. If we take a moment to observe how we move through life, the truth becomes apparent. Slow down and really focus on the moment. The higher and clearer one's intent, the more we manifest synchronous moments. If we can learn to live in this synchronous flow and focus our intent in harmony with everything, we can ultimately supersede the dimensional limitations of time and space and soar into higher realms of discovery and blessing.

Humanity as a whole is expanding and evolving through new perceptions of consciousness. The process is accelerating in these chaotic times. We must suspend disbelief and be patient with the changes and allow a new vibrational resonance of being to naturally manifest on our way to enlightenment. Little by little we are actualizing our eternal nature by reorienting toward the absolute state that is encoded in every particle of our being. To begin we must remove the idea that we are separate. “I am you and you are me and we are all together.” Do this, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and trust the universe to open the doors you need to pass through.

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