Sunday, March 1, 2020

Fact Checking the Fact Checkers

Snopes was set up by a couple from the San Fernando Valley in California, David and Barbara Mickkelson, as a joint venture called Bardav, Inc. Each owned one share and 50% of the company valued in 2016 at $3.6 million each. The couple separated and divorced after Barbara accused David of spending $98,000 on prostitutes, which was probably a fact since David subsequently married call girl/porn star Lisa Young, who now serves as Snopes' administrator. Snopes' ONLY fact-checker is Kim LaCapria, also known as sex and fetish blogger Vice Vixon. Before writing for Snopes, the openly left-leaning LaCapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that, oddly enough, was known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else. Snopes has NO investigators, NO researchers, NO lawyers, NO documents to support its findings, and its political bias is liberally unabashed. Yet, it is generally accepted as the purveyor of the last word on any subject. And that's a fact!!!!

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