Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Disclosure is Imminent

It has been admitted to for quite some time now by public servants at the highest levels of government that trillions of American taxpayer dollars are unaccounted for during the past half century. How much and where or how were they spent? Amounts may be more than 43 trillion dollars. Gone. With zero official accountability.

By and large, the money was directed to what are categorized as Special Access Programs or SAPs, meaning that you and I, the taxpayers, don't have access to knowing what they are. But then neither do members of Congress or even the President. The acronym suggests that we are all, indeed, being had. Then there are USAPs which go one step beyond super-confidentiality to being termed as Unacknowledged SAPs for a very, very select few who can choose to spend trillions of our tax dollars, without accountability, however they want.

The outsider Trump has come into power with his cadre of patriots who want to now know where all the money has gone and for what, really upsetting the apple cart for those who want to keep things rolling along as they always have been. Sounds reasonable to me! Trump initiated the first audit of the Pentagon in 2018. So far, everything has been hush-hush, but the audit is proceeding nonetheless. The details have not been shared with the public for good reason – people are going to be more than pissed when they learn the answers and discover just what their government has been keeping from them. Disclosure will have to proceed with delicate care.
The creation of the United States Space Force has allowed President Trump and the patriots to acquire whatever the Air Force and the National Reconnaisance Office has been working on, and begin to control that information and technology prior to any measured disclosure to the public. We are only beginning to see a slow drip from military and intelligence sources by way of technology leaks.
The president and his team felt the public would be receptive to the creation of a new Space Force as a continuation of the efforts that peaked with the moon landings in the late 1960's and early 1970's. Since much of the missing money in question was directed into a clandestine expansion of the human race into space following the Apollo programs, the Space Force will be useful in taking back control of any hidden projects . Much of what lies in wait to be promulgated has to do with our unacknowledged expansion into space since the 1970's.
Through Q posts the president has hinted that disclosing the full extent of our military and corporate involvement with off-world civilizations will be so revelatory that everything we believe about science and religion will be completely overturned. The joke is on those still looking to the skies and wondering if there is life out there. The truth is that there are dozens of off-world civilizations interacting with governments and corporations on the planet, with many of them already living here on this blue orb of paradise. Some have been here longer than we have. PREPARE TO SHAKE HANDS WITH YOUR ANCESTORS FROM WORLD'S BEYOND! The missing money has been well spent. Disclosure is Imminent!

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