Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Are We At End Times or a New Beginning?

Without getting into the complexities of the Cosmos, the disagreements among religions – particularly the most radical of religions for whom extinctions are a good thing – or the nuances of how an infinite number of multiverses and an infinite number of stellar civilizations are co-existent, I will assert that the current global pandemic is the perfect storm.

The Mayans had it right. 2012 was the beginning of a new era of peace and prosperity for all – a prospective thousand years of peace and prosperity for all in which predatory capitalism, unilateral militarism, and virtual colonialism are all vanquished – with humanity ascending to the next level of holistic community creating Heaven on Earth.

We must all do the best we can to honor God in this time and this place. Those that ascend will move into new dimensions in which time is a more nuanced concept; those that remain will continue to be cubicle rats living within the matrix of lies that has been used now for centuries to perpetuate the most terrible dichotomy between masters and slaves.

Love is winning the day. The highest possible outcome is assured. This is not to say that love is without its weapons or the ability to wreak extraordinary havoc upon the evil, simply that love – armed love – is now triumphing over evil throughout the world.

We are in the midst of a contrived crisis. The purpose of this crisis from the point of view of the Deep State actors that started it is three-fold:

First, to crash the global economy in order to buy it up at depression-era prices. This was done once before, very deliberately, with the Great Depression which was contrived by Wall Street with the explicit complicity of then President of the United States Herbert Hoover, who also allowed himself to be bribed into allowing the theft of Palestine from the Palestinians; with the further complicity of Franklin Delano Roosevelt who used the situation to make himself President.

Second, to advance the police state and endless war agendas, and within the United States specifically to test and refine the ability to lock down entire cities and states with a mix of “soft” or “volunteer” quarantines, mass surveillance oversights, and selective use of police and federalized military.

And third, to manipulate humanity into accepting a universal mandatory vaccine that comes with both a digital ID and toxic substances that reduce human liberty and increase our susceptibility to 5G “mesh” entrapment and control. The increasingly skeptical public is the center of gravity for this “end state” objective that should see its proponents eradicated by all lawful means, and expeditiously so.

The good news is that the good guys were completely ready for the Deep State's maneuver, and are counter-attacking with special operations and intelligence, especially between now and Easter. A cultural, economic, and psychological re-boot is underway behind the scenes while most of us pause in our quarantine.

Good started to triumph over evil from 2012 onward, thank you to all the prayer and consciousness groups accelerating us toward a positive outcome. We are in the midst of the final battle. The bad guys just did not get the memo. There is increasing evidence daily that the Deep State and Shadow Government are struggling right now to rise from their death bed.

We the People control the situation entirely with love and an increasing consciousness awareness. If we allow ourselves to succumb to fear and the hatred spewed by the media we can still lose all the ground we have gained since 2012, and undermine the good guys' possibilities for success. It is extremely important at this juncture in history not to yield to fear and panic. No matter what happens in the coming days, trust that a better day is about to dawn – and soon.

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