Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Seeing the World through Fresh Eyes

Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein are regarded by many as the forefathers of modern physics, despite both holding theories that are fundamentally different from the other. In the world of Newtonian 3D physics, everything looks the same to everyone else in the universe, irrespective of location and movement. This seems logical since this is how all of us agree to view everyday life.

Compared to Einstein, Newton lived in an era when space-time was viewed as essentially flat, boring, and unchanging – not at all the way Einstein saw the world. To Einstein, space-time was dynamic, ever changing depending upon gravity and velocity. So what if we could change our observation of the world around us to fall more in line with the way Einstein theorized? What if some of us already do?

What if some of us have come to see a world of interconnected multidimensionality where nothing is separate and everything is forever in flux? What would it be like if more of us observed our surroundings in 4D or from a perspective that defies description? Who would be correct? Who would be delusional, relatively speaking? How can the Einsteinian world communicate with the Newtonian world and draw it into a fresh expanded multidimensional perspective? I grapple with this all the time, but only whenever I fall back into forgetting that time and space are only relative constructs that stand in the way of soaring to infinity... and beyond!

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