Sunday, March 8, 2020

Like Dreaming with your Eyes Wide Open

From 1990 to 1995, Dr. Rick Strassman conducted U.S. government-approved and funded clinical research at the University of New Mexico in which he injected 60 volunteers with DMT, one of the most powerful psychedelics known. DMT, or N, N-Dimethyltryptamine, is a psychoactive substance which occurs naturally in many plants and animals, a very simple molecule, similar to the important neurotransmitter serotonin. His detailed account of those sessions is an extraordinarily riveting inquiry into the nature of the human mind and the therapeutic potential of psychedelics. DMT, a plant-derived chemical found in the psychedelic Amazon brew ayahuasca, is interestingly also manufactured by our own brains.

In Strassman's volunteers, DMT consistently produced near-death and mystical experiences. Many reported convincing encounters with intelligent nonhuman presences, aliens, angels, and spirits. Nearly all felt that the sessions were among the most profound experiences of their lives. Strassman's research connects DMT with the pineal gland, considered by Hindus to be the site of the seventh chakra, and by René Descartes to be the seat of the soul.

DMT, naturally released by the pineal gland, may actually facilitate the soul's movement in and out of the body and is an integral part of birth and death experiences, as well as the highest states of meditation and even sexual transcendence. Strassman also believes that so-called alien abduction experiences may be brought on by accidental releases of DMT. If used wisely, DMT could trigger a period of remarkable progress in the scientific exploration of the most mystical regions of the human mind and soul.

The compound has been consumed as a psychedelic drug by various cultures throughout history for its ability to produce altered states of consciousness. Among its most well-known uses is as a compound in ayahuasca—a potent shamanic brew which has been used for hundreds or possibly thousands, of years by various groups in the Amazon region of South America and beyond. But unlike an ayahuasca trip which can go on for several hours, the effects of pure DMT may last only 10-20 minutes. In that short time, users may experience profound emotional states and intense hallucinations.

For a study published in the journal Scientific Reports, a team of scientists led by Christopher Timmermann from the Centre for Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London examined how the DMT experience affects human consciousness through its influence on the brain's electrical activity. "DMT has remarkable effects in human consciousness," Timmermann told Newsweek. "Users often report being completely immersed in alternate dimensions and interacting with beings or 'entities.' These experiences are usually described as feeling 'more real than real' and can challenge views people have regarding the nature of reality.

This study attempted to understand how these fascinating experiences relate to brain activity recorded with the EEG or electroencephalogram, which records electrical activity generated by neurons. This is an optimal method to understand how brain activity changes over time." "Currently we don't know why we have DMT in our brains. There is some speculation that DMT may play an important role in extraordinary experiences such as mystical states and near-death experiences, and there are certainly some similarities between the psychological effects of the drug and these experiences," he said. "However, these claims are still speculative and we need further evidence to confirm that role DMT plays."

To understand more about how DMT influences brain activity, the Imperial team recruited 13 healthy volunteers. They then provided them with intravenous infusions of DMT, while measuring their brain waves before, during and after their psychedelic experience using electrodes fitted to their heads. The data that the researchers collected revealed that DMT significantly altered electrical activity, causing a pronounced reduction in alpha waves—which our brain produces while we are awake. The team also observed short-lived spikes in theta waves, which are usually associated with dreaming. Furthermore, they noticed that overall brain activity became more chaotic and unpredictable compared to placebo, which is the opposite of what scientists see during states of reduced (or loss of) consciousness, such as deep sleep or general anaesthesia.

"In this study we broke down many aspects of the DMT experience and its relationship to brain activity," Timmermann said. "We found that the states of deep immersion induced by DMT—often described by users as a 'breakthrough experience'—were paralleled by decreases in alpha brain waves as well as increases in delta and theta brain waves. This is very intriguing because we find similar changes in brain waves when people are dreaming and both states can be said to be similar: people are cut off from external reality and feel immersed in other realities."

"We saw an emergent rhythm that was present during the most intense part of the experience, suggesting an emerging order amidst the otherwise chaotic patterns of brain activity. From the altered brainwaves and participants' reports, it's clear these people are completely immersed in their experience—it's like daydreaming only far more vivid and immersive, it's like dreaming but with your eyes open," he said in a statement.

According to the researchers, the volunteers described experiences which they felt to be both intense and meaningful. "Our subjects reported having intense visions of geometric landscapes, entering alternate realities, feelings that they were expanding beyond the limits of their bodies, communicating with entities and had strong emotional reactions—all within 20 minutes," Timmermann said.

According to the researchers, this study is the first to demonstrate how DMT affects our brain waves. The next step, they say, is to conduct a similar study which involves a continuous infusion of DMT, making the psychedelic experience last longer for the user. This kind of research could provide clues as to whether the substance could have any potential for therapeutic use. "There is some evidence suggesting that this might be the case," Timmermann said. "A study conducted in the University of Rio Grande do Norte from Brazil found that ayahuasca may have antidepressant effects and some preliminary results from our studies with DMT suggests similar effects in mood and other positive psychological outcomes, however we still need more research to determine for which conditions and in what circumstances it would be best to use DMT and ayahuasca for clinical applications."

Robin Carhart-Harris, head of the Centre for Psychedelic Research, added in a statement: "Our sense it that research with DMT may yield important insights into the relationship between brain activity and consciousness, and this small study is a first step along that road."

Five spiritual benefits of drinking Ayahuasca:
  1. Ethical Awakening / Awareness of One’s Conscience
Ayahuasca is an intense karmic cleansing agent. If you have done things that are ethically questionable – the Ayahuasca will make you aware of them by taking you to the places where the karma lies dormant in the body. In the awareness of those karmas – it is impossible to hide or ignore them – thus the spiritual value of the medicine is due to the fact that the experience will make you look at any repressed bad karma and associated emotions such as fear, guilt, shame, etc – thus facilitating a healing. In the clear light of the medicine experience – one can dissolve karma by recognizing the underlying causes, practicing self forgiveness and reprogramming oneself to act from a place of higher integrity. Thus if you cheat, lie, steal or engage in similar things – there is no hiding place in the Ayahuasca Ceremony for these things to remain. For those still attached to living  a life of questionable integrity – the experience may be too frightening, but for those ready to clean up house – there is an extreme therapeutic value that can be derived from Ayahuasca.
  1. Ayahuasca shows you that the 3D world is a web of lies
Ayahuasca basically shows you that the game of the Matrix is a lie and will start to make you question the rules of the game. You may well realize who you really are and how you have spent much of your life caught up in lies that rob your energy and prevent you from attaining spiritual enlightenment. Many people also have visions of the collapse of humanity in ceremony. Here one is being reminded of the impermanence of the 3D world and how staying here is not really optional. As uncomfortable as it may be – only by seeing the truth does one have a chance of becoming a fully awakened being.

Ayahuasca also makes you look at your own lies. Whatever lies you are attached to – given enough ceremony time – will eventually come loose and be purged out or transmuted. The medicine will make you vomit if there is something that needs to be released – whether it be physical, emotional or karmic toxins. The medicine will also show you where you are being deceived externally so that you can release those attachments as well.
  1. Ayahuasca will show you higher dimensional reality / the truth of ET’s
If you do not believe in life after death or that ET’s exist – after using the medicine you may see things in a new way. DMT Beings along with all kinds of other Upper Astral Beings are intelligences that exist in other realities and by using the medicine one is opening up one’s consciousness to other realities that are usually inaccessible. In my own experiences, I astral traveled to different star systems, other galaxies and had many profound experiences with higher-dimensional ET’s. I then went on to integrate the Star Being Wisdom in my own life. Many users of Ayahuasca find that the medicine gives gifts of wisdom (some of them are too valuable to share) – but suffice to say – if you surrender to the Ayahuasca you can develop a deeper understanding of spiritual reality.

Ideally – the work is to integrate these higher-dimensional experiences and cleanse the Pineal Gland so that you can access these realities all of the time even without the medicine (living a strong life). However, in the interim – the Ayahuasca can help those interested in exploring the astral worlds to develop a deeper grounding, connection and integration with those realities. If your Pineal Gland is in good shape and your ethics are in order – you can develop a strong relationship with higher-dimensional worlds and commune with angels, devas, nature spirit, Star Beings and Ascended Masters.
  1. Ayahuasca can help you to love and respect yourself
As you heal yourself more, your self worth increases as does your respect of your own relationship with Spirit/Source. As a result, you will naturally love and value yourself more and stop giving yourself second best all the time. If there are any issues lurking around connected with self sacrifice, self degradation, poverty – or anything else along those lines – the medicine will help you get rid of it so that you can live a more fulfilling, abundant and amazing life.
  1. Ayahuasca teaches you about surrender
Control issues get in the way of spiritual enlightenment and understanding spiritual reality. The medicine can act as a strong mirror in this regard. Those who try and impose their will upon the Ayahuasca become frightened (and have a bad trip) – however in this experience one usually sees where one is not ready to let go and relax. Being able to trust and surrender to the power of the medicine can be a healing in itself. This then translates into the transcendence of control dramas in the outer world. You will not be interested in control drama and other similar crap in the world anymore because of the spiritual maturity that surrender to the medicine can bestow upon the user. Those who are able to learn the lesson of surrender can find that they are able to receive much sustenance and healing from Spirit in their lives as a whole. They can then go on to live long, happy, healthy and fulfilling lives from a space of spiritual wisdom and enlightenment.
Adapted from an article published in Newsweek by Aristos Georgiou
and 5 Spiritual Benefits of Using Ayahuasca by Încrosnatu Dănuț

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