Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Second American Revolution

The Imperial College in London has revised its figures and analysis of the likely impact of multiple public health measures on slowing and suppressing the spread of the coronavirus. Its model that was extrapolating millions of people dying has now been completely rescinded, without mea culpas. They have come back to “it's the normal flu.” Whether the source of the coronavirus was set loose accidentally or intentionally remains contentious, but one thing is becoming increasingly clear – that the attempt to use it as a bioweapon worldwide has been neutralized. The bioweapons attack has failed.

Many so-called facts are being revealed as fake as this crisis progresses. Regarding the extreme number of initial deaths in the city of Wuhan, we have to acknowledge that over 10,000 5G transmission towers were installed immediately before this happened. Apparently, many of the deaths were the result of some sort of intentional electromagnetic attack, not from any virus. A similar attack scheduled to have taken place in Japan was thwarted. In New York City, the media has been talking about morgues and emergency rooms overflowing with bodies, yet when citizen journalists have gone there, they are finding zero problems of congestion or shortages. And evidence has now emerged that the casualties on the cruise ship Diamond Princess were the result of a 5G experiment. These people were guinea pigs. Their sickness was entirely due to radiation and not epidemiological.

The larger crisis is the financial one. What has been going on for the past forty years is drawing to a quick close. During the past four decades the United States has been receiving commodity-laden ships from China and leaving empty. A huge trade and debt imbalance has built up to a breaking point. The real story is that the credit of the Corporation of the United States has been cut off by the Chinese and others. The virus is merely an excuse to cover up that reality. There is going to be somewhat of a painful process ahead as the United States rebuilds its industrial capacity so that it can produce all the daily trinkets and necessities we've come to expect during the intervening years. We've got enough food. We've got enough fuel. We've got all the essentials of life; Americans are not going to starve to death. The government can issue as many dollars domestically as it wants; it's just that those dollars are no longer any good to buy stuff from China. Our government can use this capability to write off all student debt, to finance a national jubilee and write-off all debt, and to finance huge public works and space exploration. Externally, however, we have defaulted. Whatever we want to do internally, we have unlimited funds to do whatever we want. The coming times will be a great opportunity if they are well-handled.

This is not going to hurt China. Sales of stuff to the US amounts to only about eight percent of their GDP. We're just not that important to them fiscally; they've already gotten over it. We're just no longer a paying customer.

This coronavirus pandemic will run its course, but will not be the end of it. The so-called “End Time Show” scripted by dark players will likely continue for awhile yet. There may be more epidemiological attacks like the coronavirus in the next few years; there may be some sort of fake alien attack; there may also be some sort of fake meteorite strike the earth that disables all electronics, cell phones, and the internet for a week or more. It is all part of this transition we find ourselves in on our way to a better world. Events are going to happen in which the world we have become accustomed to changes almost overnight.

President Trump was well aware from the beginning that the pandemic was contrived, but after it was politically weaponized, he had to take every conceivable precaution to minimize impact and panic. Like telling your kid that there is no bogeyman in the closet, it is easier to keep the light on so she will fall asleep than to try to convince her that there really is no bogeyman. Now, Trump needs to get the country back to work, flying in the face of those who want to crush his presidency by extending this quarantine for months and destroying the American economy with an extended shutdown.

In that the pandemic is fake, the most expeditious return to normalcy is the best thing he can do. Simply giving every American a kick-start with a $1200 per month stipend is not going to make up for this interruption. People need their jobs back, or they need new jobs. The country's system of economic management needs to be fundamentally revamped. The President's action Friday of rolling up the Federal Reserve System under the Department of Treasury is only the first step in taking back control of our financial system. We can no longer allow criminal bankers to control our economic system. We need intelligent people who are working for the people, and not intelligent people who are working against the people and for themselves. When you have a small elite few who are creating money out of thin air, then bleeding in back out of the people, they are essentially stealing from the rest of the nation.

American living standards have been going down since we went off the gold standard in 1972. Things are going to change. The Internal Revenue Service and its income tax is going to disappear, and all debt will be written off. This will be a good way to jump-start everything. If we can do an accounting and figure out what the elites have been stealing from us over generations – estimated to be over 43 trillion dollars – there can be one huge reparations payout to every man, woman, and child to return all of it to the people. Everyone can start out flush in the new economy, get set up real nice for a reboot of America. And all is can be accomplished just by getting rid of a parasite that has been sucking the life blood out of American citizens for decades.

This whole virus thing has been a replay of the 1901 plan to bankrupt the United States in a great depression in which the big banks could step in and buy up everything at low depression-level prices. Trump may have just stopped this from happening in 2020. We have avoided another depression and avoided the banks screwing what is left of a struggling middle class. The stock market must still drop to around 10,000 to get back in line with historical valuations and trends, returning the stock market once again to being an efficient way to allocate capital (which it has not been). There are likely not going to be big corporate bailouts, but the government will more likely step in and take an equity position in major companies that are distressed. It is a good time to nationalize the banks and major companies as an interim measure until things are cleaned up. For the time being, we've got an incredible mess.

The forces we are standing up to is an international, transnational network, whatever name one wishes to assign it, that has been trying to enslave the entire human race on behalf of an elite few with dark intentions. They came very, very close to succeeding until 2016, when Donald Trump was elected to the presidency instead of Hillary Clinton. Now these people who sought to completely control the world are going to jail and we have a great liberation to look forward to on Planet Earth. The people that tried to do this need to be sent a very clear message so that they never ever try something like this again. Welcome to the Second American Revolution.

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