Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Just for Giggles

I live a charmed life of divine nonchalance; I live as I please, and have for some time now. I trust that I live in a loving, nurturing universe. I trust that this body that I cruise around in will serve me well for as long as I need it. I chose to embrace the fortunes and challenges of this glorious incarnation, and cherish every moment of this wonderful spiritual existence. I ever remind myself of my own divinity and try not to get too caught up in the details. As I spiral upward in my vibration I trust that the universe will lead me where I need to be and toward what I need to do and say.

Everything is just perfect and all is just as it should be. It is not some blindly repeated platitude that I spout to justify the smile on my face, but an acknowledgement of something I have known to be true for quite some time – that perception is everything. The life that we experience is the product of how we think. As we perceive, so life expresses. It is the sum of our beliefs and hereditary traits that combine to encode the building blocks of our physiological experience.

I don't come from “these here parts”, at least not before this incarnation. I come from a place of joy, passion, excitement, inspiration, ecstasy, love, giggles, bliss, and euphoria. I am, and have been from the beginning, an embodiment of these fundamental vibrations of creation - the eternal, forever unchanging reality that permeates the universe. You see only my true self when I am in these elevated states.

Call it whatever you like – unconditional love, inner peace, or bliss – my sacred fire burns hot with the euphoria of the primordial vibration. When I achieve this state I am in union with the vibration of All That Is. I need not sit in a solitary lotus position under a Bodhi tree or in a dark cave for a lifetime to find enlightenment – I need only find my bliss in each moment to know that I am in God and God is in me. What the ancients sought in nirvana, Samadhi, or in the rapture, is exactly what I find in my simple, sustained state of genuine, practical, and very grounded bliss. 

It is not that hard to live constantly in bliss. I simply live the way I want to live, without trying to fit into somebody else's mold or expectation. I don't spend hours in meditation. I just live each day, each moment, each nanosecond based upon what gives me feelings of joy. Joy is my barometer of living. Any time I change direction and contemplate something new, I have to perceive joy there first.

Along with joy is inspiration. Being in-spired is being in-spirit. When you are inspired it means you are directly connected to your Higher Self. The more I am inspired, the more time I spend in union with my Higher Self and the more I sustain a level of divine ecstasy. So anything that inspires me, I continue with. For the past twenty-some years that I have not filled my day with wage-earning occupation I have been inspired by so many things that I am continually excited about one thing and then another and another, so that most of my waking moments are incredibly fulfilling.

It is the perfect life. Bliss is not something that I have discovered along the way. It is a state of being, a frequency that I vibrate at when I live in joy.  Bliss is grace. It is a divine blessing. My entire life is a blessing. I achieve bliss simply by finding joy in the blessing that is me.

So what gives you joy? What excites you the most? Just go for it, without hesitation. Mastering the game of life or finding enlightenment comes simply  from acting upon whatever it is in any moment that brings you joy - nothing more complicated than that.

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