Tuesday, March 24, 2020

the Shift is Happening

The planet where we live is experiencing an unprecedented crisis. A very real war that has been ongoing for thousands of years between humanity and dark self-serving forces of planetary control is coming to an end. If humanity prevails, it will be liberated from the old financial control grid that has held back both physical and spiritual progress in our world. The controllers of the old system are trying to stay in power by using bioweapons and 5G electromagnetic attacks to kill large portions of the population and force the rest into submission. The resistance forces are working to neutralize the bioweapons and prevent the further implementation of 5G technology. In a counter-attack, they are using the ongoing economic disruption and quarantine to collapse the current financial system and arrest the proxies of this control system worldwide. So far the resistance appears to be winning.

Around me, most people do not have a clue as to the larger picture. Such has always been the case in revolutions. Only a very small percentage of any population consists of the movers that bring about significant change. Fortunately, only a small threshold is ever needed to shift the world. Only the energy of a few is required to make a new way. The rest always follow.

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