Thursday, March 19, 2020

the Corporation of the United States

Take a look at the flag that appears in every government office and courtroom in the land. That flag is the United States flag, with one seemingly minor cosmetic difference - a knotted golden fringe on three sides. Government officials and judges adamantly refuse requests to remove the gold fringed flag and replace it with the constitutional flag of the United States which has no fringe, like the one that hangs from my front porch. Why should anyone be concerned about this apparently innocent decorative feature? What difference does it make?

The difference is that the flag that is displayed is legal notice, to all who enter, of the type of law that holds jurisdiction in the U.S.. The constitutional United States flag signifies common law jurisdiction. The gold-fringed United States flag is the Admiralty or War flag for the Corporation of the United States which denotes Admiralty or martial law. Legally, the United States is a corporation and not a constitutional republic and no longer “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” If you are a patriot, this should gravely concern you.

Corporations have shareholders, so who owns America and its people? As of March 9, 1933, when the United States declared bankruptcy, the country and its citizens were sold to pay off the debt. Legally, all citizens and the country are owned by the Federal Reserve Bank, the non-governmental institution that covered our debt and continues to print all of our currency (Federal Reserve Notes). Legally, the Constitution that we hold in such high esteem cannot be used to defend us because we have not been party to it for most of a century.

Essentially we are still a “British” colony. Since the King of England financed both sides of the Revolutionary War, legally America has never had independence from England. Proof is recorded in the July 16, 1782 Treaty of Versailles. Even British troops did not leave the newly-minted United States for the first twenty years of its existence. But there's more to the story. Great Britain has not been a sovereignty since the year 1213, when it fell under the ownership of the Vatican by treaty. Legally, the Pope can abolish any law in either Britain or the United States that he sees fit. In fact, the pope claims rulership of the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery – Papal Bulls 1455 and 1493. The pope's laws are literally obligatory upon everyone.

Pope Francis is the first Jesuit pope, the first pope from the Americas, the first pope from the Southern Hemisphere, and the first pope from outside Europe since the 8th century. The Jesuits are the strong arm of the Catholic Church, a disciplined order originating in the era of the pharaohs that ruled Egypt; they are the world's money-changers that control the Central Banks and royal families of Europe. All efforts at globalization spring from the Vatican. Nothing happens on the planet without Vatican blessing and control.

The collapse of worldwide stock indices and the targeted infection of the coronavirus in isolated Italy are not unrelated events. The worldwide spread of the coronavirus, initially loosed on the world at the direction of the Vatican, is now just a front to accomplish two objectives. In and of itself, the coronavirus, which has been purposefully mutated to render it less potent, is not much more than a common cold and much less lethal than the flu. The two objectives in play are to free all people of the world from Vatican control, and to destroy the Central Banks that serve as the instrument of that control.

The leaders of the planet's most powerful nations – Presidents Putin, Xi, and Trump - are in a coordinated alliance to accomplish this military objective of what amounts to essentially taking back the flag. Allowing the markets to collapse will destroy the Vatican-controlled Central Banks, enabling President Trump to nationalize the Federal Reserve Bank and remove the yellow fringe from the flag, ushering in a new worldwide financial system and basis of exchange that will no longer operate on the basis of debt.

A lot will occur out of sight of the public in the next three weeks, with a significant culmination occurring on April 10, 2020. Everything is not as it appears, but as how the usurping powers choose it to be perceived, to minimize public trauma. The unprecedented shutdown of most activity and commerce in the world is purposeful and necessary for the ensuing reset. A conflict that has not only raged for thousands of years on this planet, but one that originated long before off-planet, is in the process of being resolved while we safely wait it out.

When we reemerge we will gradually learn about the momentous world-changing events that are now occurring. The shutdown and ten-day blackout coming in April is necessary to make mass arrests of bad players across the planet. In the United States alone, there are about 160,000 sealed indictments that have already been through legal process by grand juries. Correction authorities and military personnel will be busy rounding up many of those indicted in the next three weeks, away from widespread public knowledge.

The president has prepared the country so that no one should be without food or power during the shutdown. All news sources will shut down during the ten-day blackout so that the only thing the public knows is what the president tells them through the emergency broadcast network. The internet should be operational, but the alliance aforementioned will have complete control of what is disclosed to the public.

A new world will awaken at the end of the ten-day blackout. The United States will no longer be a Corporation waving an Admiralty flag. Our Constitutional republic and common law will be restored. With complete financial control, all debt will be forgiven and the wealth of the world that has long been withheld by bad players will be confiscated and distributed equitably so that economic struggle for all will become a thing of the past. Disclosure of new technologies in free energy will gradually replace our fossil fuel economy (note the crash of oil markets). Antigravitics will change our transportation industry and open up space travel. Medical and pharmaceutical science will be revolutionized by advances that have been sequestered by controlling interests that will no longer have influence in world affairs. Misery and unnecessary suffering will largely disappear.

Perhaps most remarkable of the new day dawning upon the earth will be the disclosure of and introduction to off-world beings that have been discretely working in alliance with world powers for most of the past century. Yes, there is alien life – hundreds of species that do not appear much different than us - and most of it which is friendly and ready to welcome the citizens of our planet to their galactic federation. There are malevolent beings off-world as well, but they dealt with off-world.

Lastly, the various Secret Space Programs (SSP) that have launched millions of our earthly brothers and sisters into space for decades will be revealed. I will write more of this subsequently in this blog. What will be revealed will amaze all. We have advanced so much further as a species than people are aware, but most of the progress has been kept from us - but no more. So sit back, relax during the time off, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the show. Be patient with any uncomfortable adjustments that may lie ahead, do not be fearful, and look forward to surprisingly good times ahead.

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