Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Government's Role in Crises

The Democrat Party's battle cry of “Never let a crisis go to waste,” may be more appropriately translated as “Always use people’s fears to extend the power of government.” There’s a reason this works. Crises like this are exactly what government is good for. A crisis is, by definition, a limited event demanding the rapid acquirement of information that can be quickly translated into specific action, like we are witnessing right now – quickly inventing a vaccine and getting it out to benefit the people. It’s a time when one might make a specious argument like: “Look how well government is doing! Wouldn’t it be great if it did this all the time?” But let's think about that!

The political use of the phrase "Never let a crisis go to waste”, used by President Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel, is based upon a point made in Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals on page 89. Taking advantage of any crisis, whether real or manufactured, is a common tool used by those waging antithetical war. When used in this way, crisis is no longer a tactic of protest, but instead a tactic of ideological subversion, which is used to bring about increased totalitarian government control via socialism or communism. In other words, use a crisis to force the need for increased control. If a crisis is allowed to continue, people may be expected to appeal to government for relief from the result of the crisis, which may ultimately lead to property destruction and even loss of life. The TSA is one example of how a crisis was used to create a police state at America airports, even when it is clearly known that there are other more effective tactics used by other nations to avoid airline incidents.

Donald Trump is a student of Saul Alinsky, just as was Barack Obama, but in a contrary sense, with the aim of getting to know the opposition's playbook. The Democrat Party has evolved to be the party that is continually declaring one crisis after another where none exists. The climate is a crisis. A Trump phone call is a crisis. Whatever they come up with, it is their manufactured opportunity to spread the fears of their hysterical base to the rest of the country in the hope of cramming through their globalist agenda.

In an election year, the opposition stands ready to criticize every move of a well-intentioned Commander in Chief in dealing with the WuFlu crisis. The problem for his detractors is that virtually every policy decision he has made thus far has been right. Uncontrolled migration, globalization, and the Chinese supply chain — everything Trump has tried to rectify — are precisely what make infections like this so dangerous.

The real reason this contagion is so threatening is globalization. If we persist in creating conditions in which viruses can be easily transmitted and amplified across borders, then we will persist in experiencing waves of new viral epidemics in the future. What American voters should be asking this November, after the barrage of Democrat complaints is: Do we really want to replace Trump with the party of open borders and world government? Wit a party that worries that we’ll insult our dear Chinese Communist friends by naming the virus improperly? With a party that is about to be led by an empty suit who can’t remember the name of God?

It is frustrating to watch as Democrats hold up action against the virus by stuffing their proposed bills with unnecessary gifts to useless bureaucracies and attempts to expand the welfare state permanently. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez tweeted: “Right about now would be a great time to weigh emergency measures like: Extending Medicare/Medicaid coverage to all; Eviction freezes; No-strings UBI programs; Eliminating work requirements for SNAP & other assistance; Humanitarian provisions in prisons & decarceral policies.”

One of the reasons Trump’s MAGA agenda has worked so well is because it’s simple enough for the government to put into action. President Obama thought he could fix the whole planet in eight years, but instead made a mess out of everything with his increased implementation of government bureaucracy and intervention. Trump just wants to clean up the world one neighborhood at a time, which is really about as much as any government can handle.

So let’s let this crisis go to waste. The government will have its day and be hero to the people. But when it's over and order is once again restored, let's put the government back into its Constitutional box where it belongs.

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