Thursday, March 5, 2020

Perception is Everything

As I look around at all my brothers and sisters, my friends and others, I see most everyone clinging fast to their individualism and choosing sides. I am this or I am that, but not much of We are this. I see Democrats lining up against Republicans; environmentalists hell-bent on making everyone else see the world their way; patriots willing to defend to the death their right to bear arms; socialists versus capitalists; Muslims versus Christians, and so on. There is always someone who wants to be right at the expense of someone else being wrong.

And as I reach out to embrace the beauty of each moment, I wonder what has happened to our capacity to praise and love our world as it is. Instead of spending our short time here struggling to stand against someone else to make the world a better place, what is wrong with just falling in love, without any judgement whatsoever, with just what is.

Stop the preoccupation with the transient details of the moment and just accept the world as it is. Your heart-body-mind may be focused on the assault, extraction, poisoning, and contamination of the planet, but it is only so because it mirrors what is within YOU. You say you just want to craft a life that nurtures and sustains the earth and its inhabitants. Hold the mirror before you and begin there to change the reflection. The individualism we are temporarily experiencing must not distract from the essence of our Eternal Oneness. To heal the world, one must heal oneself. We must first fall into the Earth's arms and into each other's arms; find a way back to each other and learn once again how to take care of one another. For I am you. And you are me. Until we see that in the reflection, there is no way to restore harmony and balance to the already perfect moment that we live in. PERCEPTION IS EVERYTHING.

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