Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Universe is Frequency

With the recent emergence of the coronavirus and worldwide concern as it breaks out and spreads, it is a good time to examine perhaps the design of its larger purpose and take a look at what each of us can do to prepare for not only possible exposure to this virus, but exposure to perhaps even more dangerous vectors of disease in our future. And from a broader perspective, we need to look at how each of us can learn to better sense things in the world around us so as to raise our personal frequency so that no virus would ever have any potential to harm us. We all have the ability to raise our consciousness through time-honored practice and training and elevate our immune response, but with the development of new technologies and tools now available to us, we can become even more proactive in raising our personal frequency along with our consciousness.

In regard to the why of the coronavirus as a bio-weapon having been unleashed on humanity at this time, the answer likely is that it is a nefarious test to determine how far along we as a planet have progressed in the evolution of our consciousness. How much of the human population has reached a point of raised frequency that can combat this virus on its own? The way that evolution works is that change takes mighty quantum leaps only after a reasonably small threshold of change has occurred in a population. The dark powers that be want to ascertain how close earth's population is to shifting its frequency en masse, which is not something one can take a census of. With an underlying ascendence of consciousness already in progress on this planet, the powers that have kept us at bay for millennia are using the coronavirus as a test to assess our planetary progress. We're not there yet or ascension would have already occurred. Most humans have not progressed far enough in their consciousness to even be aware that they were born with an innate ability to shift frequencies at the physical level and effect healing on their own. But a growing number of humans are awakening, and we, as a planet, are approaching that very significant threshold.

So why was this test unleashed in China? Why not somewhere else? Looking at it, again, from a higher perspective than just looking at it as another random incident in the physical world, the reason apparently is because of the stronger sense of group consciousness that pervades the population of China, very different from the way we are in the Western world. In China, the majority of the culture readily falls in line with group-think. Being Chinese is much more like being a part of a hive mentality; very conciliatory, with less importance attached to being individually distinct. Because of this more uniform collective of consciousness, the energy of this bio-weapon can more easily ripple through the Chinese population than, say, in the West. Whether it is successful or not, the result will offer insight into how long the powers that be can continue maintaining manipulative control over the human population at large.

Frequency is the foundation of all we see, feel, hear, and imagine. It is the future of medicine and the key to love, health, and happiness. As a human race, many of us are only now beginning to wake up and realize this and what it means to our future and the amazing advancements yet to come as we realize our true potential.

The universe is a mirror. If we radiate love into the universe, it will radiate love back and heal us. The strongest medicine we have available to us is the frequency of love. Amor vincit omnia – love conquers all things – and it will conquer and protect us from any vector of disease as well. I have suffered from an infection of Lyme disease since 1978 – suffered misery beyond most people's comprehension – yet today and for quite some time I am able to manage it without pain. Sickness has been one of my greatest teachers in life. Healing has not been through drugs but by learning to increase the frequency of my own vibration, learning to forgive and love myself so that I am open to a loving connectedness to all beings and all of life. Disease and all affliction has frequency. We all have the power to stop vibrating in resonance with negative influences and raise our frequency to avoid or counter misery and suffering. When we wake up and learn this, we are well on the way toward ascendency to a higher state of consciousness and being.

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