Sunday, March 15, 2020

Showing the Way for Ascension

The wild times we live in right now are not only as disruptive as any we've ever experienced, but also perhaps more full of potential than any we have ever come up against before. In this decade of the 2020's, we are being called to take a stand and act in new ways. Many of us are sensing a transformation from one major paradigm, or way of living, to another. We are literally very rapidly becoming completely different, whether we are aware of the pressure to change or not.

For me personally, there is an increasing sense of being completely alone in the world, alienated from everyone around me, different from everyone else, and understood by fewer and fewer. I am finding that I now have to push boundaries like never before and increasingly say “no”; finding that I no longer follow what I “should” be doing or doing things the conventionally expected way. I have reached a point where I realize I can no longer live the way I have been living. I am literally exploding out of my old belief structure and paradigms, sensing that I am stepping out of the third dimension to be reborn anew in the fourth dimension. It is this evolution that makes me feel so alone, I suppose, like I am engaged in a process in which those around me no longer share.

From what I understand from my guides, my angels, and my higher self, this is just the way it has to be. I'm finding that it takes a lot of courage to leave the comfort of old ways; it is much more comfortable to continue to say “yes” and continue with the way things used to be; “yes, I'll just continue to do what I should do, or what society expects me to do”. Internally, my resonance, my energy field, is shifting frequencies so that I can no longer be the way I was, do the things I did, say the things I said, even most recently. As I pull myself away from the old, I am increasingly finding myself in a new environment with a brand new way of being. But when I look around I don't see those around me doing likewise. Nobody else believes many of the things I have come to believe. Nobody else understands what is now to me so obviously true. It's really freaky. But I know, genuinely, intuitively, I am on the right path, even though I travel alone.

I'm now finding that if I want to express what I truly believe, I have to speak a truth that most people around me aren't believing yet. I always sensed this day would come. Nonetheless, now that the time has arrived, it is still a bit of a shock.

Since a near-death experience in 1973, for nearly fifty years I have had a sense that I was on a mission in this life – a mission I had chosen to volunteer for. There have been countless reminders of my purpose here in the intervening years and my understanding has grown with the aid of my guides, my angels, and my higher self, who I have nurtured a relationship with all these years.  Perhaps feeling alone makes me feel different than those around me.

My job description here on planet earth is that of a way-shower. Some refer to it as a lightworker or pathfinder. Some call it a starseed. Semantics! A wayshower shows the way. Within the next decade, whether we acknowledge it or believe it or not, we have no choice as individual beings on this planet but to shift to a new resonance with new ways and a new paradigm.

Just this winter, all of a sudden I find I need to end things I never could have imagined ending. I have to open my kimono to things I never would have shared before. I'm having to directly confront people that I would normally have just left alone before. I am very obviously leaving behind a way of thinking and being that I have become accustomed to for my entire life because it no longer resonates. Because of that, I am tending more to withdraw to avoid the scrutiny of others who question what the hell I'm doing. I don't feel comfortable being told that what I'm now doing or saying is strange or being questioned about why I'm doing and saying things differently.

The system I am breaking out of is essentially everywhere and everything. But I see most of the people around me stuck in the old ways... because they are not ready. But I am ready. I've been groomed for this time for my entire life, and perhaps before. I am a wayshower and now is my time to step up. And while I generally most often feel alone, I still am aware that there are hundreds of thousands of wayshowers here on the planet, many of whom I may now fortunately consort and share with on the internet.

As I begin stepping up to why I am here, I begin moving into higher states of consciousness requiring new ways of thinking, new ways of believing, and new ways of being. I have no other option but to break out of the old belief systems. My shifting resonant energetic field is steering me with “yes” and “no”, and I just have to trust it. The old ways no longer feel right. As new words and ideas come to me, I feel an increased sense of urgency to take action.

As I move into this new way of being, I am going against the grain, defying convention. That's how it is designed. That's what a wayshower is. They go against the grain in order to open up the next dimensional field for the rest of humanity to come forward. The way that we open this dimensional field is by holding it within our own bodies, anchoring that frequency. With my increased resonance, I am beginning to anchor these higher frequencies in my physical body, which I cana feel vibrating at a higher frequency these days.

I am standing on the same earth plane as other denser human forms while I vibrate at this higher frequency. The more wayshowers that courageously continue to anchor these higher frequencies, the more it expands toward a critical threshold, and as it expands more and more people begin to pick up on that higher frequency and move there.

In physics, resonance describes the phenomena of amplification that occurs when the frequency of a periodically applied force is in harmonic proportion to a natural frequency of the system on which it acts. When you employ the principle of resonance, you can accelerate the speed at which your molecules vibrate. When the atoms within you lose speed, you exist as denser third dimensional matter; when they accelerate, consciousness reaches toward a higher dimension.

The higher you raise your frequency, the faster you expand your consciousness and the closer to spiritual enlightenment you become. This is the universal law of vibration. Vibrational frequency defines reality. One's vibrational frequency is the magnet that attracts all life experience. Each of us is responsible for choosing how we exist on the earth, how we evolve and grow. The mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual states one experiences reflect different levels of vibrating energy and frequency within. Thoughts and feelings of fear, hatred, envy, anger, grief, and despair vibrate at a lower frequency, while thoughts and feelings of love, happiness, joy, and gratitude vibrate at a higher rate.

Those of a lesser frequency will naturally tend to resonate and become like those of a higher frequency – the wayshowers. When two frequencies come together, the lower one rises to meet the higher one according to the principle of resonance. When a piano is tuned, for instance, a tuning fork is struck and brought close to the piano string that carries the identical musical tone. The string then raises its vibration automatically and adjusts itself to the same rate at which the fork is vibrating.  The same thing happens with us.

As wayshowers step into this higher dimensional realm, they literally become tuning forks for fourth dimensional vibration. It is not enough just to mentally acknowledge it or to feel joy and peace and love and expansion and alignment; wayshowers have to become alive to the moment in that frequency in influence others.

I must always honor what I believe to be my truth. Many of the things I believed without question just last year, I no longer believe the same way. That includes relationships, activities, socio-political ideologies, etc. Everything is shifting. It is now important to be the example because I am called upon along with others to help guide humanity en masse toward a higher resonance.

That's where I am at the moment, and it is most often still awkward and uncomfortable. When I get into social situations, when people or family around me engage in one conversation or another, I quickly find that not much of what they find important resonates with me any longer. It is safest just to stop hanging out with other people, or tell myself that I'm just going to keep my mouth shut.

But eventually I know I have to speak my truth and put it out there – bring up things that are strange or uncomfortable for other people to hear. This blog is a great medium for me to begin to share these evolving beliefs. It allows me to honor the beliefs and frequencies of those around me while holding firm to my own truths, while possibly advancing some new understanding to others along the way. My blog, for now, may be the best way I can comfortably share with others exactly what is going on.

People don't need to know I am a wayshower. That's not their job. It doesn't make me special. Every adventure needs a pathfinder. Along the way I volunteered to show the way by moving to a higher frequency before others. That's all. There is no duality anymore for me. It's all consciousness and I honor it all. My job is not to tell somebody else how to be.

My choices now are all derived from a higher state. My connections and communications are now mostly of a higher frequency. The way I move from moment to moment is now at a higher level of resonance. People , by and large, are still miles away from understanding what I hold to be true. Therein lies my greatest dilemma right now.

It is great to feel this way, really, but I understand I need to take action. I have to be my own truth. I have to speak my own truth. I can't be quiet anymore. I can't hide and pretend. I have to be me. I have to live in this frequency... courageously. I need to be firm in my expression but I don't want to push my beliefs onto anyone. I am not trying to convince anyone else that I am “right”, that I am smarter, that I know better, that I come from a higher perspective. I have no argument and nothing to defend. It is all just about being who I am.

Being is and always has been the best way to show another. Even though I increasingly feel alone and alienated, more and more different, that what I now believe is nothing like what those around me believe, I try to keep in mind that that is exactly the way it was designed to be.

Welcome to the next stage of Ascension. This is it. I occupy a different bubble. That's all. But what a great gift! What a great gift for all of humanity, for we wayshowers are literally showing the way, opening up the next dimensional field, enabling the rest of humanity to chose to move there. No one has to move to these higher dimensional fields. There is no “right” choice here. Not everyone is going to choose to ascend. And they don't need to.

As a wayshower I am here to show the way to those who choose to move forward. It's all perfect. I'm perfect. It just takes a lot of courage to move through this stage. It's not enough just to feel all these wonderful emotions of joy, peace, unity consciousness, etc. I have to make a choice to be, actively and consciously, in every moment a completely new version of me in this new dimensional field. My decisions are no longer going to be the same; the way I communicate is from now on going to be different; the way I relate to others will no longer be the same; everything I engage in life is from now on going to be different. I surrender. I no longer control. I live more in the present moment, which means I increasingly abandon plans and not live so much in the future. I can not take the way I lived before with me into the higher dimensional field I now choose to occupy.

I now have to be a higher version of me. Right now I am navigating how to make the transition I find myself in, choosing what jetsam and flotsam to abandon as I move forward into a lighter state of being. It is not enough just to open my heart and feel love, peace, joy, alignment, and expansion; I need to tune into my resonance, speak my truth, let go of control, trust and surrender to the moment, and listen to that aspect of me that is my higher self, follow its guidance, and relax the ego. All of these practices are part of ascension.

It has all become increasingly real. I acknowledge that I am unique – unlike anyone else who is not consciously involved in the ascension process – honoring the fact that I am here on a mission to be a wayshower showing others how to be in a higher state. I trust my higher self, even though I have no idea where it is taking me. I am moving forward with blind faith and have no idea where my path will lead. But this is what I am here to do. I know I've got to step up and now act.

It's still all new to me, however.  I have never had to shift from a third dimensional field into a fourth dimensional field within a physical form before, watching as my old self just dissolves away. I came here remembering what I volunteered for; I just forgot when I dropped into this denser consciousness how to act or what to expect. But I am finally remembering. My DNA is awakening to allow me to be multidimensional; the light codes open my doors of perception to enable me to make this transition.

I trust that I have everything I need to make the jump between dimensions. I step into the void without the slightest bit of hesitation or fear. I trust my higher self to find a solid landing on the other side of the mystery. I know I am ready. I am already feeling the increase in physical vibration. I need only act. It matters not that what I choose to do is something no one else would consider doing. I need only jump. There are very subtle things that I am asked to do all the time. I need only be alert to these and act.

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