Monday, March 16, 2020

Crossing the Bridge

In some respects, society is not completely unlike that of bees in a hive or ants in a colony. While we identify as individuals, staunchly defending our uniqueness and free will, our world is pretty much organized around and directed by an all-encompassing collective consciousness. One might argue that the collective script we are now following is degenerating into an abyss of corruption, propelled by fear and characterized by divisive perceptions and herd instinct. As a society we have unfortunately evolved into a certain repetitive, habitual paradigm of beliefs characterized by extremely polarized emotional and mental constructs. And while we imagine ourselves to have advanced far as a civilization, the flow of life is still essentially based upon survival. Our self worth is largely nothing more than a measure of economics, and the fear that drives us also prevents us from breaking out of the template of the degenerative cycle that sustains us.

The repeating patterns that we have become all too comfortable with have become a blueprint locking humanity into a downward spiral of suffering and limitation. It is this destructive paradigm that is held in the collective consciousness that is responsible for the way we manifest as a civilization on this planet. We have lost sight of the fact that the chaotic events of our modern world are nothing more than the reflection of a collective agreement of all of humanity to live within this paradigm of extreme division and separation.

This paradigm of chaos is shifting, however. An increasing number of individuals on the earth are rising to say “enough already” - enough of the separation, enough of the suffering. Something within a growing vanguard of humanity is awakening to existential ideas deep within that are emerging to remind us all we were all born out of compassion, not fear, to live in unity without suffering.

The emerging condition that we have to look forward to is derived from love rather than fear. As an increasing number of us awaken, a certain clarity takes hold, leading us to increasingly resonate to a new vibration. What is not immediately apparent, but hugely impactive, is that as clarity grows we are able to more fully unlock the encoding in our own DNA to open up to greater potentials and begin to transition into even higher levels of consciousness.

All societal movements that result in great change begin small. Those few among us who are awakening to increased coherence and beginning to resonate with a higher frequency are pushing the underlying morphic field closer and closer to a threshold whereupon the entire human race will shift in this direction. Increasingly we are coming to resonate with an understanding that we each co-create our world together, and that the only way to move beyond the chaotic paradigm we seem now to be trapped in is to become more cohesive in our thoughts and behavior, expanding our perception of our interconnectedness and our eternal nature. With a growing awareness of our unity consciousness, our intuitive powers and synchronicities will naturally begin to accelerate as we begin to think differently about the world and those around us.

The world is changing for the better. The Phoenix is drying its wings and preparing to take flight in new skies. Only those living in fear of crossing the bridge into the new world will perish in a collapsed world; only those who cringe at abandoning the corrupt script they have been trapped by will fail to regenerate and find renewal. Only those who abandon fear and embrace love will gracefully transition into the emerging new resonance.

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