Friday, March 13, 2020

Wake Up Chicken Little

A headline yesterday read: MIT Biologist and Inventor of Email – Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai – Says Deep State Fear Mongering on Coronavirus Will Go Down as Biggest Fraud to Manipulate Economies. I couldn't agree more with his assertion that all the noise over the “pandemic” at hand is a big nothing burger. It is unfortunate that people who contract this particular viral strain will suffer and succumb, but the fact remains that tens of thousands of people and millions throughout the world die from viral infections every year. The current numbers from the coronavirus and the severity of infection from this particular strain do not justify the fearmongering posed by the media. After warm weather chases this virus back into hiding and people move on with their lives, when things bounce back and everyone has put the coronavirus in the rear view mirror, history will concur with Dr. Ayyadurai.

Who remembers a decade ago when the world was hit with the H1N1 Influenza virus, the so-called Swine Flu? To put things into perspective, compare the numbers in the United States from the N1H1 outbreak with our current crisis. According to the records of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, somewhere around 60 million people in the United States were infected with the Swine Flu. Of these, it is estimated that 270,000 people were hospitalized with Swine Flu symptoms and over 12,000 people died as a result. Of those who died, about ten percent were children and ten percent were older than 65, with 80 percent of the deaths being adults between 18 and 64 years of age.

Numbers of coronavirus victims are already on the decline in China, with production and manufacturing returning to normal. With warming temperatures in the northern hemisphere, the same pattern is likely to soon follow in the United States. When all has run its course, the numbers worldwide for coronavirus will likely be but a mere fraction of what happened in the United States only a decade ago.

Yet, if anyone recalls, there was no public outrage at how the government was handling the crisis in 2009-2010. Events were not shut down, nor flights cancelled. The media was glowing in its praise of the government's response to this health event. Why the difference in the media's response between then and now?

Who was president then? It was Barack Obama, who could do no wrong in the media's eyes. No matter what the crises or what the response, President Obama received nothing but stellar accolades from the press. Today, no matter what the crises or what the response, President Trump receives nothing but criticism and negative press. The Republicans in Congress did nothing to politicize the outbreak a decade ago as the Democrats are doing now. The only difference between the much more signficant event of 2010 and today's event is how loudly the press is beating its drum. Without the drum, there is no crisis, and therefore no panic.

When will the American public tire of being manipulated by the media?

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